
MRI TM Joints


MRI TM Joints


MRI TM Joints


MRI TM Joints


MRI TM Joints


MRI TM Joints


MRI TM Joints


MRI TM Joints


MRI TM Joints

MRI at Envision

What is an MRI TM Joints scan?

An MRI TM Joints scan uses an MRI Scanner to produce detailed images of the Temporomandibular Joint (the jaw joint) which is located just in front of the ear, to help diagnose and assess TM Joint disorders.

What happens during your MRI TM Joints scan?

A. Before your scan

Implanted Devices


What to bring

  • Your request form
  • Any relevant previous imaging
  • Your Medicare card

Preparation – On the day of the scan

  • You will be asked to fill out a MRI Safety Check list to confirm you do not have any contraindicated items or implants in/on your body. The MRI Technologist will ensure that no potentially unsafe items enter the scan room.
  • You will be required to wear earplugs during this scan.

B. During your MRI TM Joints scan


You will be required to lie very still for the duration of the examination and to wear earplugs during this scan. The MRI scanner will make various loud tapping or buzzing noises during your scan. These run for 2?5 minutes at a time and the MRI technologist will communicate with you between these scans.

The MRI scanner at Envision is currently WA’s least claustrophobic scanner. The wide magnet bore (the part you lie in) is also the shortest in Perth, making it a far more comfortable experience for you, compared with other MRI scanners. Generally, most pictures will be done with your mouth closed. The last sequence of pictures requires you to have your mouth open, biting on a splint. This allows visualisation of the TMJ’s and surrounding structures in the open position.

Your scan will take approximately 30 minutes.

Risks and side effects

An MRI Scan is a very low-risk procedure. There are no known adverse health risks associated with the magnetic field or the radio waves used by the machine. Patients with certain contra-indicated devices may not be able to have an MRI scan.

Who will perform my scan?

Our caring team of experienced MRI Technologists will help put you at ease and ensure you have the most comfortable MRI experience possible, whilst specifically catering the scan protocol to best suit your clinical condition.

What happens after your MRI TM Joints scan?

How do I get my results?

All scans are reviewed by our Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologists, Clinical Professor Bernard Koong or Dr Tom Huang. We are the only practice with full time AHPRA registered Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologists in residence, who are always available to your doctor to discuss your individual case. The images and report are made available to your nominated doctor / referring specialist via our secure online portal, PACS (Picture Archive Communication System), on CD or hard copy (as per your doctor’s needs).

  • For non?urgent cases we ask that you allow 2?4 working days for the results.
  • Urgent cases can be expedited and, where necessary, our radiologists are also able to discuss the results with your doctor over the phone soon after the scan

Post procedural information

You will be able to return to your normal daily activities after your scan.

You should encounter no ill effects from your MRI and will be able to go about your regular daily activities after your scan.

Download an Information and Consent Form