About Envision
What is Greenvision?

About Envision
What is Greenvision?

About Envision
What is Greenvision?

About Envision
What is Greenvision?

About Envision
What is Greenvision?

About Envision
What is Greenvision?

About Envision
What is Greenvision?

Reducing pollution in the atmosphere is a worldwide challenge. Changing the way we think and behave is key to ensuring our future quality of life.
At Envision Medical Imaging we have committed to a tree planting program and now we want to provide our referrers and their patients the opportunity to share in our vision to become carbon neutral.
As part of our commitment to the environment, Envision Medical Imaging has partnered with leading Australian carbon offset provider, Carbon Conscious Limited to offer referrers the opportunity to contribute towards reducing the environmental impact of X ray film used in the business. By choosing our advanced online report and film delivery system referrers and their clients will begin their journey with us, and help to become ‘carbon conscious’. Put simply – start saying ‘no’ to film.
Our initial commitment, implemented on 1st Aug 2010, was to plant 500 trees in regional Western Australia – followed up with an annual contribution to offset our paper printing and general office related emissions. To date we have planted 853!
Every time a referrer signs up to use our online report and delivery system, Envision will plant another tree to further lighten our carbon footprint. When a whole practice uses the system – we will top up the ‘Envision Forest’ with more trees and keep adding to the forest as referrers join us in eliminating film altogether.
It is our intention that the growth of the Envision Medical Imaging Forest will be shared with referrers and patients – and they can see the progress of the forest by viewing the tree counter located on our website. Carbon Conscious is an Australian company producing carbon credits through ‘carbon farming’ – the planting of Mallee Eucalypt trees in Australia’s wheatbelt region.
Trees planted to offset some of our environmental impact will be established in a permanent manner, will store carbon over a 30 year period and will be maintained by Carbon Conscious Ltd through their Carbon Capture ProgramTM.
The trees are native to Australia and will help reduce salinity and wind erosion on farms whilst contributing to the fight against climate change.
Help us save the environment – say no to film.