About us

Dr Ronny Low



Ronny underwent medical training at the University of New South Wales. After completing his internship and surgical resident training, he moved to Perth to be the Radiology Research Fellow at Royal Perth Hospital before joining the WA Radiology Training program in 2007. He completed his radiology training in 2012, focusing on abdominal and pelvic MRI before undergoing further post-fellowship training in Interventional Radiology at St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney.

Ronny worked in private practice in Sydney before returning to Perth in early 2015 and joining the team at Envision. He has special interests in prostate MRI, including MR guided prostate biopsies, abdominal and pelvic imaging and musculoskeletal imaging.

He is an active member of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists, being chairperson for both their CT Reference Group and Iodinated Contrast Working Party. He is also a consultant radiologist at Fiona Stanley Hospital where is a Director of Radiology Training.

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