
Guided Prostate Biopsy


Guided Prostate Biopsy


Guided Prostate Biopsy


Guided Prostate Biopsy


Guided Prostate Biopsy


Guided Prostate Biopsy


Guided Prostate Biopsy

What is an MRI Guided Prostate Biopsy?

If an earlier MRI of your prostate has shown abnormalities, your Urologist may request a second MRI in order to find out exactly what is the matter. During this scan any visible abnormalities will be biopsied with a needle. During the scan, the MRI images are used to guide the needle into the most suspicious regions.  Some of the advantages of MRI Guided Prostate Biopsies include greater accuracy (especially with small lesions) and less trauma to the prostate with fewer needles inserted into the gland.

What happens during an MRI Guided Prostate Biopsy?

A. Before your scan

Implanted Devices


What to bring

  • Your request form
  • Any relevant previous imaging
  • Your Medicare card and any concession cards

Preparation – The day before your scan

You should fast for 6 hours before your scan.

Preparation – On the day of the scan

You will be asked to fill out a MRI Safety Check list to confirm you do not have any contraindicated items or implants in/on your body. The MRI Technologist will ensure that no potentially unsafe items enter the scan room.

B. During your MRI Guided Prostate Biopsy


The MRI-guided biopsy can be performed with an endorectal approach. The biopsy device uses a built in endorectal coil or a guidance grid to help place the biopsy needle insertion. The biopsy needle is inserted into the prostate gland through the wall of the rectum or the perineum to remove several small samples of tissue for pathologic analysis.

Risks and side effects

An MRI Scan is a very low-risk procedure. Complications are rare during this procedure however you should be informed of the possible risks and side effects. Risks associated with this procedure include:

  • An allergic reaction to intravenous contrast material can  simulate short term allergic response such as itching, a rash or hives. A more serious allergic reaction to intravenous contrast is called an anaphylactic reaction. When this occurs, the patient may experience severe hives and/or extreme difficulty in breathing. This reaction is extremely rare, and requires emergency treatment.
  • If you have had a biopsy you may experience a small amount of bleeding from the rectum or perineum immediately after the biopsy procedure. If this occurs, it will cease with gentle pressure.
  • Blood in the sperm, urine and feces is common in the days after the procedure, but usually goes away within a week or two.
  • Infection is very rare, but can be severe if untreated. If you experience signs of infection such as fever (temperature above 38.5 degrees) and chills within a few days of the procedure, seek medical assistance immediately.
  • You may feel pain and discomfort in the area of the prostate for a day or two after the biopsy, particularly when seated.

Who will perform my scan?

Our caring team of experienced MRI Technologists will help put you at ease and ensure you have the most comfortable MRI experience possible, whilst specifically catering the scan protocol to best suit your clinical condition.

What happens after an MRI Guided Prostate Biopsy?

How do I get my results?

After your appointment, the information from your scan is processed and interpreted by Envision’s specialist MRI Radiologists before delivery of a report to your doctor or specialist. Please see our billing information page for important information regarding Medicare rebates for MRI scans.

Post procedural information

You should encounter no ill effects from your MRI and will be able to go about your regular daily activities after your scan.

Download an Information and Consent Form