PETPET-CT (Positron Emission Tomography – Computed Tomography) is a Nuclear Medicine procedure in which the distribution of a small amount of a radioactive compound injected into the body is imaged at the same time a low dose CT scan is taken. Envision continues to be at the forefront of medical imaging innovation with the introduction of the new Siemens mCT Flow PET-CT. The Siemens mCT Flow PET/CT is the first of its kind to offer personalised imaging, resulting in reduced scan time, a lower radiation dose and a better patient experience. The dual technology of our Siemens PET/CT scanner, located in Envision’s purpose build facilities opened in 2017, allows for the most accurate anatomical localisation of any significant pathology. This assists specialists with the most accurate cancer diagnosis, staging, and measuring the effectiveness of treatments.

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